
Though this is a simple music streaming and downloading website, but BTS it was a roller coaster ride while resolving the bugs and adding features to it, but teamwork and dedication helped us overcome these problems , and here we are with all of our hard Work

Varun Singh
Developer, Vovoca

The concept was farely new and it was challenging to forsee the design of our website as such websites are not in huge quantities on the web, however, we worked hard as a team and coded vovoca as beautiful as we can. I hope you all will love vovoca too.

Prakhar Pandey
Developer, Vovoca

We all have learnt a lot while completing vovoca. I think hardest part for all of us was shifting from react to next as it is fairly new and none of us had used before. Overall, voovca came out to be of great success

Kaustubh Mishra
Developer, Vovoca
